Systems of Cardiovascular Care
Association of Pediatric Medical Emergency Teams with Hospital Mortality
Preoperative and Intraoperative Predictive Factors of Immediate Extubation After Neonatal Cardiac Surgery
Can Abbreviated cardiac magnetic resonance imagine adequately support clinical decision making after repair of tetralogy of fallot?
Variabilities in the mortality-related resource utilisation for congenital heart disease
Quantifying clinical change: discrepancies between patients' and providers' perspectives
Mechanical dyssynchrony and abnormal regional strain promote erroneous measurement of systolic function in pediatric function transplantation
Predischarge transthoracic echocardiography after surgery for congenital heart disease: a routine with a reason?
Reduced global longitudinal and radial strain with normal left ventricular ejection fraction late after effective repair of aortic coarctation: a CMR feature tracking study
Transthoracic echocardiography in pediatric intensive care: impact on medical and surgical management
Impact of clinical follow-up and diagnostic testing on intervention for tetralogy of fallot