Microbubble Cavitation

  • Ultrasound-Induced Microbubble Cavitation for the Treatment of Catheterozation-Induced Vasospasm

  • Ultrasound Theranostics in Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Research

  • Select Infarct zone imaging with intravenous acoustically activated droplets

  • Clinical outcome of patients with inducible capillary blood flow abnormalities durinf demand stress int he presence or absence of angiographic coronary disease

  • Safety and efficacy of cardiac ultrasound contrast in children and adolescents for resting and stress echocardiography

  • Prevention of arteriovenous shunt occlusion using microbubble and ultrasound mediated thromboprophylaxis

  • Microbubble mediated thrombus dissolution with diagnostic ultrasound for the treatment of chronic venous thrombi

  • Clinical applications of ultrasonic enhancing agents in echocardiography

  • Ultrasound contrast and real-time perfusion in conjunction with supine bicycle stress echocardiography for comprehensive evaluation of surgically corrected congenital heart disease

  • Sonothrombolysis of intra-catheter aged venous thrombi using microbubble enhancement and guided three-dimensional ultrasound pulses