Artificial Intelligence

  • The discerning ear: cardiac auscultation in the era of artificial intelligence and telemedicine

  • Medicine-based evidence in congenital heart disease: how artificial intelligence can guide treatment decisions for individual patients

  • Deep learning-based automated aortic area and distensibility assessment: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA)

  • Beyond Artificial: echocardiography from elegant images to analytic intelligence

  • Successfully implemented artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in cardiology: state-of-the-art review

  • Metabolic profiling of adults with congenital heart disease

  • Computational simulation of the potential improvement in clinical outcomes of cardiovascular diseases with the use of a personalized predictive medicine approach

  • Fully automated cardiac assessment for diagnostic and prognostic stratification following myocardial infarction

  • Deep learning for improved risk prediction in surgical outcomes

  • The Way Forward in Congenital Heart Disease Research